The Light Bringer II

The Light Bringer II


price: 140 € / 153 $
3,4 cm x 2,7 cm


Amazingly detailed, small, openwork stag pendant, carefully designed, hand carved by me and then made in sterling silver. Adorned with a lovely, natural peridot or a different stone of your choice  (available stones are visible in one of the photos - please choose from the list while placing your order). It is a part of my collection of symbols celebrating our connection with Nature. Oxidized and polished. Total length (including oak leaf shaped articulated bail) is 3,4 cm (1.33 in). It's width in the widest place is 2.7 cm (1.06 in). It's small, lightweight (4.5 g) and very subtle.

I came up with the idea for this piece around Winter Solstice – the darkest time of the year, when the day starts getting longer again. There is a lot of folk tales and legends associated with this astronomical event and one of them tells the story of the Oak King and the Holly King. Holly King reigns over the half of the year when the Sun is getting weaker, days are getting shorter, so since the Summer Solstice till the Winter Solstice. On the day of Winter Solstice the Oak King takes over again and reigns till the longest day of the year. For me, in this legend, the Oak King is the bringer of a new light, new sun,  new life and in my mind I somehow always associated him with a young stag. His antlers are overgrown with fresh foliage – the sign of the spring which will come inevitably after the end of winter. For me it's a symbol of hope, new beginning, little light shining in the darkest night. You can see that light between his antlers.

This pendant is oxidized and polished and comes with a vegan cord.
My jewellery is a tribute to Mother Nature's beautiful creations. Just look around - all this amazing abundance of forms and textures - so strikingly beautiful and inspiring. I try to convey this feeling of awe over Nature's creations into my jewellery. If you have any questions, please ask.

This piece was hand sculpted by me and published in numerous trade magazines - all rights reserved. 

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New collection of magical, flowery lunulas available in Drakonaria's shop!
A little peek inside my new studio...
Huge "Thank you", once again, to Maria Gulland, who is the author of the beautiful green forest, used as a background of my website. Maria is a young, super talented artist, whose work you can find on her DeviatART page. It's already the second version of my website where you can see Maria Gulland's art...

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